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Daily production planning for customer orders and branches with PC use in the bakery

The daily orders provide the specifications for production planning and control. Recipe/dough management with complex structures: starter doughs, main doughs… refinement, decorations,…
1st screen: Dough production, all doughs and their calculated dough quantities are displayed on the screen

2nd screen: the recipe/predough for the selected dough is displayed on the screen

3rd screen: the articles for the selected dough, recipe/predough are displayed on the screen
The advantage: for daily order processing, all production data is determined and immediately displayed clearly on screens. The editor can switch back and forth between the screens. The production data can also be accessed as a report.


Various functions facilitate the production process of baked goods

Back1Shop and PCBack Office

Our bakery applications are complete software packages specially designed for bakeries and confectionaries. The first DOS version was developed in 1985 for a large bakery. The further development of the system was determined in the following years by baking companies of different sizes and requirements. Today, PCBack Office is a modern ERP system that enables enterprise resource planning in the bakery. We deliver the right solution for family and small businesses in the bakery trade